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Export dashboard URL from job

I have a notebook running as a job in Azure Databricks. The results are shown in a Databricks dashboard. I want the dashboard URL to be sent to the team when the run is finished.

How do I retrieve the URL of the dashboard for the current run ?

I know the job ID, I managed to get the base of the URL with


and I found one can get the Run ID with


but the URL should contain the "Run", which is different than the "Run ID". Furthermore, the URL doesn’t display a dashboard without some UUID I don’t know how to get. Where can I get these informations ?


  • Here is my solution :

    run_id = None
    url = None
      run_id = json.loads(dbutils.notebook.entry_point.getDbutils().notebook().getContext().toJson())["tags"]["idInJob"]
      url = f"{run_id}/dashboard/ZZZ"

    I figured XXX, YYY and ZZZ do not change along runs, you will find them by looking at your sample dashboard.

    run_id and url will stay None if the notebook is launched in interactive mode.