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Why is my foreach variable not going to my output in PowerShell after each iteration?

I have DHCP script that looks for matching hostnames in all the scopes on the DHCP servers

  • I first get all the DHCP servers and import a .txt of hostnames
$list = Get-Content C:\script\HostNameList.txt #Defines content it pulls as list 
$DHServers = Get-DhcpServerInDC #gives variable name for loop

 # Gets all DHCP servers ands scopes 
    foreach ($Server in $DHServers){
        $scopes = Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $Server.dnsname #get all scopes
  • I loop through list of hostnames and scopes looking for a match. Somewhere in here is my issue
$Output = foreach ($hostname in $list) { #Calls each item in list a hostname and sends to output
    if (test-connection -count 1 -computername $hostname -quiet) #With 1 ping, check if hostname is online
        foreach ($scope in $scopes){ 
            if($scope | Get-DhcpServerV4Lease -ComputerName $server.dnsname | Where-Object HostName -like "$hostName*" ) #compares the hostname to lease to find which scope it is in
            { $ } #return scope it found hostname in
        [PSCustomObject]@{ #Rename varibles in data pull for output file
        Asset = $hostname
        Location = $ #only want the name of the scope
        Status = "Online"

    else #statement if hostname is not online
        Write-host "$hostname Is offline, only Last Location is known. $hostname was added to the output file." -BackgroundColor DarkRed
        Asset = $hostname
        Location = $ #only want the name of the scope, since the name = Location
        Status = "Offline"
$Output #show output in powershell
$Output | Export-Csv -Path C:\script\Asset_Result.csv -NoTypeInformation #outputs .csv
  • This is what it is doing, the output repeats the last item on the list of DHCP scopes.
Asset    Location         Status
-----     --------         ------
A847    Public Internet      Online
A261    Public Internet      Offline
A201    Public Internet      Online
  • This is what it should be doing
Asset    Location         Status
-----     --------         ------
A847        FLoor 1         Online
A261      West 1st FL       Offline
A201        Floor 3         Online

How can I get $ in my if($scope | ... statement to go to my PSCustomObject after each iteration?


  • This:

    foreach ($Server in $DHServers){
      $scopes = Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $Server.dnsname #get all scopes

    is - in net effect - the equivalent of:

    $scopes = Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $DHServers[-1].dnsname #get all scopes

    That is, you keep reassigning to the same variable ($scopes) in the loop body, replacing the previous value, so that you end up with only the result from the last loop iteration, for the last server stored in $DHServers, i.e. $DHServers[-1].

    The best solution is to rely on PowerShell's ability to use statements such as foreach as an expression whose output - even iterative output from a loop - is automatically collected in an [object[]] array (with two or more outputs) by PowerShell:

    # Collect the output from *all* Get-DHCPServerv4Scope calls.
    [array] $scopes = foreach ($Server in $DHServers) {
      Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $Server.dnsname #get all scopes

    Note: The [array] type constraint (same as: [object[]]) is only necessary if there can situationally be just one output object and you want to ensure that the collected output is always an array.