I'm on peewee 3.14.0 ... is it a valid use case to do something like this? This is ofc a toy example of my actual use-case:
class A(BaseModel):
id = BigAutoField(primary_key=True)
a1 = CharField()
class B(BaseModel):
a = ForeignKeyField(A, backref='bs')
b1 = CharField()
and then do something like:
a = A.select()...
for b in a.bs:
b.b1 = "doesn't work, this will insert a new record rather than update the existing"
to cover this update use-case I need to do the following instead:
a = A.select()...
for b in a.bs:
q = (B.update({b1: "this however, works"}).where(B.a==a, ..))
Is there a way to fix the first approach or is it not covered by peewee?
It does not insert new records in this example. I think your example is either missing some important information or something else is missing.
class User(Base):
username = TextField()
class Tweet(Base):
user = ForeignKeyField(User, backref='tweets')
content = TextField()
db.create_tables([User, Tweet])
u = User.create(username='u1')
for j in range(2):
Tweet.create(user=u, content='t%s' % j)
u = User.get(User.username == 'u1')
for tweet in u.tweets:
tweet.content = tweet.content + '-x'
for tweet in u.tweets:
This correctly prints: