I'm extending a create controller for one of my models:
async create(ctx) {
let entity;
if (ctx.is('multipart')) {
const { data, files } = parseMultipartData(ctx);
entity = await strapi.services.complaint.create(data, { files });
} else {
entity = await strapi.services.complaint.create(ctx.request.body);
const sanitized = sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: strapi.models.complaint });
strapi.emitToAllUsers('complaint::created', sanitized);
return sanitized;
It works fine if I do the request from Postman for example, but is it possible to do the same if the user creates the new object from the Admin UI?
When I see the console from Strapi when I send the request from Postman:
debug POST /complaints (58 ms) 200
But, if I create a new object from the admin UI I see this instead:
debug POST /content-manager/explorer/application::complaint.complaint (1017 ms) 200
Any ideas? Is it even possible? I'm using latest Strapi version (v3) Thanks
If you want to execute something from Admin UI, I think you might want to look at how to implement it in models using lifecycle hooks.
From what I know, controller only called on API, while service are a set of reusable functions. Models are called both by API and Admin UI.
module.exports = {
lifecycles: {
afterCreate(result, data) {
strapi.emitToAllUsers('complaint::created', result);
You can also create a function in service and call it models lifecycle hooks.