My problem is the following: I have the string:
datetime = "2021/04/07 08:30:00"
I want to save in the variable hour, 08 and I want to save in the variable minutes, 30
What I've done is the following:
import re
pat = re.compile(' (.*):')
hour =, datetime)
minutes =, datetime)
What I obtain from the prints is
and 30
, so the minutes are correct but for some reason that I'm not understanding, in the hours the first :
is skipped and takes everything from the whitespace to the second :
What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Ah, no no, python has a much better approach with datetime.strptime
So for you:
from datetime import datetime
dt_string = "2021/04/07 08:30:00"
# Considering date is in dd/mm/yyyy format
dt_object1 = datetime.strptime(dt_string, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
You want hours?
hours = dt_object1.hour
or minutes?
mins = dt_object1.minute
Now, if what you have presented is just an example of where you need to work around whitespace, then you could split the string up. Again with dt_string:
dt_string1 = dt_string.split(" ")
dateString = dt_string1.split("/") # A list in [years, months, days]
timeString = dt_string2.split(":") # A list in [hours, minutes, seconds]