Full source code is available at : https://github.com/AliRezaeiii/StarWarsSearch-RxPaging
Here is my local unit test where I test a ViewModel while I am using Coroutines for networking :
fun givenServerResponse200_whenFetch_shouldReturnSuccess() {
testCoroutineRule.runBlockingTest {
val repository = ShowRepository(dao, api, context, TestContextProvider())
val viewModel = MainViewModel(repository)
assertThat(viewModel.shows.value, `is`(Resource.loading()))
assertThat(viewModel.shows.value, `is`(Resource.success(emptyList())))
As you know I can pause and resume using TestCoroutineScope, so I can test when liveData is in Loading or Success state.
I wonder if we can do the same thing when we test while we are using RxJava.
At the moment I just can verify Success state :
fun givenServerResponse200_whenFetch_shouldReturnSuccess() {
viewModel = DetailViewModel(schedulerProvider, character,
GetSpecieUseCase(repository), GetFilmUseCase(repository))
viewModel.liveData.value.let {
assertThat(it, `is`(notNullValue()))
if (it is Resource.Success) {
it.data?.let { data ->
in ViewModel init block, I send the network request. You can review it in the bellow class. That can be tested using pause and resume while using Coroutines. How about RxJava?
open class BaseViewModel<T>(
private val schedulerProvider: BaseSchedulerProvider,
private val singleRequest: Single<T>
) : ViewModel() {
private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()
private val _liveData = MutableLiveData<Resource<T>>()
val liveData: LiveData<Resource<T>>
get() = _liveData
init {
fun sendRequest() {
_liveData.value = Resource.Loading
}) {
}.also { compositeDisposable.add(it) }
override fun onCleared() {
Without seeing what you tried, I can only guess there were two possible issues that required fixing:
Use the same TestScheduler
for all provider methods:
class ImmediateSchedulerProvider : BaseSchedulerProvider {
val testScheduler = TestScheduler()
override fun computation(): Scheduler = testScheduler
override fun io(): Scheduler = testScheduler
override fun ui(): Scheduler = testScheduler
The unit tests weren't failing for the wrong state so they appear to pass even when the code hasn't run:
fun givenServerResponse200_whenFetch_shouldReturnSuccess() {
viewModel = DetailViewModel(schedulerProvider, character, GetSpecieUseCase(repository),
GetPlanetUseCase(repository), GetFilmUseCase(repository))
viewModel.liveData.value.let {
assertThat(it, `is`(Resource.Loading))
schedulerProvider.testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // <-------------
viewModel.liveData.value.let {
assertThat(it, `is`(notNullValue()))
if (it is Resource.Success) {
it.data?.let { data ->
} else {
fail("Wrong type " + it) // <---------------------------------------------