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NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI not getting memory statistics

I'm using NVIDIA Nsight Systems cli (nsys) to profile a simple cuda program (vectors adding). I've already checked the documentation but I think I'm missing something.

I'm running the nsys profile command with --stats=true flag.

CUDA API Statistics:

 Time(%)  Total Time (ns)  Num Calls    Average      Minimum     Maximum            Name
 -------  ---------------  ---------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------------

CUDA Kernel Statistics:

 Time(%)  Total Time (ns)  Instances    Average      Minimum     Maximum                       Name

And this is what I'm getting back (values omitted). Should I enable a certain flag to show memory statistics?

tested with the --trace=cuda flag but again no memory statistics

  • Host: Windows 10
  • Cuda Toolkit version: 11.0
  • Nvidia Nsight version: 2021.1.1

Is this a compatibility problem between Windows and Cuda should I downgrade? I really don't know. When I run the same command in Ubuntu is working properly. It's really driving me crazy.

Any help is welcome Thanks


  • The memory operation statistics you are referring to track unified memory (UM) demand-paged transfer activity.

    The UM model on windows does not used demand-paged transfer of data, so you won't see these sections on windows.