Search code examples

How to search events for a value from new eval fieldname in Splunk?

I need to search for events that contains specific value generated from a new field name. This is what I'm trying to accomplish:

index=app sourcetype=source 
| eval uri_t = "uri:type:subtype:123-5678:DATA_REFERENCE:DATA1:999:123-5678:DATA2:DATA_REFERENCE2:123456" 
| eval uri2=replace(uri_t, "\:", "%3A") 
| search uri2

Basically, I'm encoding part of a url using replace and eval function into field name uri2, then i need to search specifically in the result of the encoded value. But it seems using search, will search for "uri2" instead of the entire encoded string.

Note, I had to use replace to encode part of the url because it seems there is no encode function in splunk.

Any assistance will be appreciated.


  • As you've learned, the search command searches entire events. To find text within a field, use one of these commands.

    | where match(uri2, "<regex>")
    | regex uri2="<regex>"

    Both of them will filter out events that do not match the given regular expression.

    If you want to find a substring within the field without filtering events, then use the rex command.

    | rex field=uri2 "<regex>"

    Note that rex must contain a named capture group. The group name will become field into which rex will put the matching text.