test_str = 'S.No Device Name Device Family Device Type Device Role IP Address Location Serial No. Current Current SMU Upgrade Failure Reason,'
In the above string, need to add hyphen b/w two words, eg: Device-Name, Device-Family, Device-Type, IP-Address, Serial-No., Current-SMU, Upgrade- Failure-Reason
If I replace with space other places is also replaced with hyphen
replacedText = re.sub(r'\S\s\S' , r'\1', test_str)
--> is finding the single space b/w 2 words, but not sure how to replace with hyphen without missing any characters
So, please help me to give with regex solution.
Note: there is multiple space available between Device Name & Device Family & Device Type etc.
Use \w
to find a character. Then make sure this character is not included in the match by using a positive lookbehind assertion (?<=...)
and a lookahead assertion (?=...)
. If you want to learn more about those assertions then read the documentation of re
replaced_text = re.sub(r'(?<=\w) (?=\w)', r'-', test_str)
You'll get
S.No Device-Name Device-Family Device-Type Device-Role IP-Address Location Serial-No. Current Current-SMU Upgrade-Failure-Reason,