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how to generate logs in separate file when starting the appium server programmatically

With this code appium logs are printed in console, how to generate appium logs in a separate file.

public class TestBaseclass {
static AppiumDriverLocalService appiumService;

public static void startserver() throws Exception {
      appiumService = AppiumDriverLocalService.buildDefaultService();

public static void stopServer() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Stop appium service");



  • /**
     * Configures the appium server to write log to the given file.
     * @param logFile A file to write log to.
     * @return A self reference.
    public AppiumServiceBuilder withLogFile(File logFile) {
        return super.withLogFile(logFile);

    AppiumServiceBuilder expose a method called withLogFile() that will write the logs into a given file.