I'm working on an application that's running on an embedded device with a touch LCD screen. For development setup, I have setup a Xephyr window with the matchbox WM at the same resolution (1280x800).
I have deloped a customer dropdown menu that will expand down wards and show select buttons, on my dev system this looks 9as designed) something like this:
Where on the end device, the button fills the whole window as can be seen here:
The functionality seems there but even though fix pixel sizes are used for the button size, it seems to take up the space of the whole window. They "drop-down" buttons are created from a list like:
btn_size = QtCore.QSize(206,57)
for n in btnlist:
_name = str(n)
self.drpbtns[i].clicked.connect(lambda checked, v=_name: func(v))
self.drpbtns[i].setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255,255,255); \
border: 1px solid rgb(216,216,216); \
color: rgb(92,92,92); \
font: bold 22pt "Avenir"')
i = i+1
Why would the buttons not respect the QSize()
as assigned?
I have started a new thread in the Qt Forum at and will make sure that replies are cross populated between the two threads!
And turns out, I have found the solution to my problem here: https://forum.qt.io/topic/78752/how-to-place-widgets-by-specifying-positions-in-qframe
I changed my QPushButton
line to include the parent which resolved the issue: self.drpbtns.append(QtGui.QPushButton(_name,self.parent))