I can't get the results of the execution.
I think it's repeated indefinitely.
I made a structure by adding 1 to the count and repeating it.
What did I do wrong?
#lang sicp
(define (fi n)
(f-iter 0 3 n))
(define (f-iter sum count n)
(cond ((= count (+ n 1)) sum)
((< count 3) count)
(+ (f-iter sum (- count 1) n)
(* 2 (f-iter sum (- count 2) n))
(* 3 (f-iter sum (- count 3) n))
(+ count 1)
(f-iter sum count n))
The first thing you need to do is to indent your code correctly:
(define (f-iter sum count n)
(cond ((= count (+ n 1)) sum)
((< count 3) count)
(+ (f-iter sum (- count 1) n)
(* 2 (f-iter sum (- count 2) n))
(* 3 (f-iter sum (- count 3) n))
(+ count 1)
(f-iter sum count n))
Let's annotate the code with comments:
(define (f-iter sum count n)
(cond ((= count (+ n 1)) sum)
((< count 3) count)
(+ (f-iter sum (- count 1) n) ; the syntax of COND expects
; a list with a condition as
; the first element.
; here the first element is the
; function +, which is always true.
; as such it makes no sense.
(* 2 (f-iter sum (- count 2) n))
(* 3 (f-iter sum (- count 3) n))
sum)) ; here the result of COND is not
; used anymore. It is not returned from
; f-iter.
(+ count 1) ; this result is never used.
(f-iter sum count n)) ; this calls the same function with the
; same arguments. Thus
; f-iter calls itself
; indefinitely at this point.