I import IV2SLS from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.gmm,
but it failed to do heteroscedasticity robust covariance.
from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.gmm import IV2SLS
endog = cig_1995['lpackpc']
exog = cig_1995[['constant', 'lravgprs']]
instrument = cig_1995[['constant', 'rtaxso']]
results = IV2SLS(endog=endog,exog=exog,instrument=instrument).fit()
results = results.get_robustcov_results(cov_type='HC1')
AttributeError: 'IV2SLS' object has no attribute 'pinv_wexog'
You can use the linearmodels
package which contains a working and tested implementation of IV2SLS
. The syntax is nearly the same as that incomplete version in statsmodels
. The only difference is how you specify the covariance estimator, which is part of fit
from linearmodels import IV2SLS
endog = cig_1995['lpackpc']
exog = cig_1995[['constant', 'lravgprs']]
instrument = cig_1995[['constant', 'rtaxso']]
results = IV2SLS(endog=endog,exog=exog,instrument=instrument).fit(cov_type="robust")