I am trying to pass the date into a file e.g.:
/pwd # date > file.txt
but every time I check the file, nothing is printed in there. I have tried other variants as well e.g.:
/pwd # echo "$(date)" > file.txt
/pwd # echo "$(/bin/date)" > /full/path/file.txt
/pwd # echo "$(/bin/date)" >> /full/path/file.txt
(I wouldn't expect appending to make a difference but tried anyway)
I thought well maybe it was some sort of permissions issue with date
being able to access the file so, for kicks, I tried:
/pwd # sudo date > /full/path/file.txt
Attempting to store the date to bash variable is futile as well. But, sure enough, the date
command by itself continues to work:
Mon Apr 5 14:16:26 UTC 2021
Anyone have any ideas what could be happening? According to every other post I've read, the things I am trying should be working.
Note this is a special (proprietary) kernel (uname -a
However it's built on Debian so I would expect it to work.
type date
date is a tracked alias for /bin/date
Nothing interesting happens when prefixing command with set -x
other than the tracking I see when running the command:
looks like it has some good information but I won't pretend to know how to interpret it:
This is an unusual situation -- from the strace results, it looks like either a libc bug or a busybox problem. Since this is a decade-old software stack, you don't have the recently-introduced date formatting printf
builtin bash added in 4.3.
The easiest workaround is to not use the busybox date command at all, and instead to switch to a scripting language -- Python, Perl, etc. @jhnc was kind enough to provide a perl command for the purpose:
perl -e '$|=1; print scalar localtime, "\n"' > file.txt