I m using antD and if I use select component inside of form item and if this form item has name as props I can not set value to my select component while page was rendering.
Just make it clear what I tried to say, I prepared a example and you can copy and paste it to the codesandbox or etc.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
import './index.css';
import { Form, Input, Button, Select } from 'antd';
const { Option } = Select;
export const Demo =()=> {
let formRef = React.createRef();
return (
<Form ref={formRef} name="control-ref">
required: true,
<Select value="male">
<Option value="male">male</Option>
<Option value="female">female</Option>
<Option value="other">other</Option>
ReactDOM.render(<Demo />, document.getElementById('container'));
If you try to give name props to form item in this example your select component's initial value will not be set. More over using hooks not solved my problem.
I do not fully understand your question, but as far as I do, I'll try to help.
You can try useRef
import React,{useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
export const Demo =()=> {
var formRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
<Form ref={formRef} name="control-ref">
required: true,
<Option value="male">male</Option>
<Option value="female">female</Option>
<Option value="other">other</Option>
Do not forget to give the name
of the relevant Form.Item