I have an array of 3D points (n,3) that are to be rotated about the origin using a 3x3rotation matrix that is stored in the form of a nx3x3 array.
At the moment I'm simply doing this in a for loop with matmul
but I'm figuring this is pointless as there must be a much faster broadcasting way of doing it.
n = 10
points = np.random.random([10,3])
rotation_matrices = np.tile(np.random.random([3,3]), (n,1,1))
result = []
for point in range(len(points)):
rotated_point = np.matmul(rotation_matrices[point], points[point])
result = np.asarray(result)
Note: in this example I've just tiled the same rotation matrix but in my real case every 3x3 rotation matrix is different.
I'm guessing there must be some way of broadcasting this as the for
loop becomes very slow when the point-cloud becomes very large. I'd like to do this:
np.matmul(rotation_matrices, points)
where each row
in points
is multiplied by it's corresponding rotation matrix. There is probably a way to do this with np.einsum
but I couldn't figure out the signature.
If you see the doc, np.einsum('ij,jk', a, b)
is the signature for matmul
So you can try np.einsum
with the signature:
np.einsum('kij,kj->ki', rotation_matrices, points)
einsum = np.einsum('kij,kj->ki', rotation_matrices, points)
manual = np.array([np.matmul(x,y) for x,y in zip (rotation_matrices, points)])
np.allclose(einsum, manual)
# True