I am creating a exe installer using Wix Bootstrapper.
In the bundle chain I am installing some exe files.
In the end I want to execute a PowerShell script to do some additional tasks. How is it possible
Here is the bundle chain and I have mentioned where I want to execute a PowerShell script.
<Bundle Name="sample" Version="" Manufacturer="$(var.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="fsfsddssdsdsd">
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
InstallCommand="/install /quiet /norestart"
PerMachine="yes" >
InstallCommand="/install /quiet /norestart"
PerMachine="yes" >
Thanks in advance for any help
I can see two options for now:
You can run powershell script as described here
Here you can find great article about it (C#). Also you can easily find how to do it using C++.