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How to get CPU usage of Envoy (istio-proxy) container from another container in the POD

POD consist: my-app-container and envoy (istio-proxy) container

I want to get cpu_usage of envoy-container from may-app-container.

Info from: http://localhost:1500/stats and http://localhost:1500/stats/prometheus doesn't contain CPU_usage.



  • Below are 2 ways I could find to get the information about istio-proxy cpu usage.

    You can use kubectl top.

    kubectl top pods -A --containers | grep istio-proxy | grep Mi
    default        details-v1-66b6955995-g98g6                                 istio-proxy                 3m           42Mi
    default        productpage-v1-5d9b4c9849-v4pwv                             istio-proxy                 3m           40Mi
    default        ratings-v1-fd78f799f-qcpwn                                  istio-proxy                 3m           38Mi
    default        reviews-v1-6549ddccc5-hg4sw                                 istio-proxy                 4m           64Mi
    default        reviews-v2-76c4865449-kzknx                                 istio-proxy                 4m           55Mi
    default        reviews-v3-6b554c875-7txzl                                  istio-proxy                 3m           53Mi
    istio-system   istio-ingressgateway-5656d66f9f-2f25t                       istio-proxy                 3m           36Mi

    You can also follow the Istio Wiki to analyze Istio performance, including the cpu.