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Add Fragment when item is clicked in adapter

I read this but could not find the answer.

I simply want to add Fragment when any item from listView is clicked. I tried to access getSupportFragmentManager to implement Fragment but couldn't access it. I instantiated FragmentActivity class and then called supportFragmentManager. Now facing above following error.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: FragmentManager has not been attached to a host.

Kindly tell me where I'm doing wrong.

class AnimalAdapter : BaseAdapter {
        var context: Context
        var listOfAnimals: List<Animal>? = null

        constructor(listOfAnimals: List<Animal>?, context: Context) : super() {
            this.listOfAnimals = listOfAnimals
            this.context = context

        override fun getCount(): Int {
            return listOfAnimals!!.size

        override fun getItem(position: Int): Any {
            return listOfAnimals?.get(position)!!

        override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long {
            return position.toLong()

        override fun getView(position: Int, convertView: View?, parent: ViewGroup?): View {
            val animal = listOfAnimals?.get(position)

            val inflater = context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater
            val rowView: View
            if (animal?.isKiller!!) {
                rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.layout_killer_animal_ticket, parent, false)
                rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.animal_ticket, parent, false)
            val imageAnimal = rowView.findViewById<ImageView>(
            val textNameAnimal = rowView.findViewById<TextView>(
            val textAnimalDesc = rowView.findViewById<TextView>(

            textNameAnimal.text =
            textAnimalDesc.text = animal.des


                val fragmentActivity = FragmentActivity()

                fragmentActivity.supportFragmentManager.commit {
                    val fragmet: Fragment = AnimalDescriptionFragment()
                    replace(, fragmet)


            return rowView



  • you simply can't create local Activity (val fragmentActivity = FragmentActivity()), its just some memory alocation, but this Activity is dead. You have to keep reference to already existing and shown Activity, which is containing your adapter

    instead of var context: Context in your constructor use var fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity and then you may use fragmentActivity.supportFragmentManager.commit... - simply keep reference to alive Activity, not freshly created object