current uni student and i am trying to sort a link list by only swapping the links and not the data ( as per requirements)
my link definition is:
typedef struct iorb {
int base_pri;
struct iorb *link;
char filler[100];
I am building the list like so:
void buildList(IORB **h, int size,int(*prio)(int)){
int counter = size;
// loop will run until the size of the list is reached
while(size > 0){
IORB *temp = (IORB*)malloc(sizeof(IORB)); //alocating memory on the stack for the link list
temp->base_pri = (rand() % 100); // assigning random number as the base pointer
sprintf(temp->filler, "request %d : base priority = %d : priority = %d \n",
counter, temp->base_pri,(*prio)(temp->base_pri));
temp->link = *h; // making sure the head points to the next item in the list.
*h = temp;
and this is my sort function:
void sortList(IORB* head,int (*prio)(int)){
int swapped = 1;
//pointers for the last current and next node
IORB **prev = &head, *curr, *next;
swapped = 0;
for(curr = head; curr; prev = &curr->link, curr = curr->link)
next = curr->link;
if(next && (*prio)(curr->base_pri) > (*prio)(next->base_pri))
curr->link = next->link;
next->link = curr;
*prev = next;
swapped = 1;
priComp is an additional function defined as:
int priComp(int bs){
return (bs * 3);
and to display the list:
void displayList(IORB* head){
while(head != NULL)
head = head->link;
the problem I am having: after building the list and using the display function I can correctly see the list but after I call the sort function and reprint the list sometimes the list will print sorted but majority of the time I will be missing elements
for example -
before sort:
request 1 : base priority = 10 : priority = 30
request 2 : base priority = 3 : priority = 9
request 3 : base priority = 53 : priority = 159
after sort:
request 2 : base priority = 3 : priority = 9
request 1 : base priority = 10 : priority = 30
the list fails to print request 3. (it is not always the last element it skips but sometimes will skip an element in the middle of the list)
When i run the sort function through the debugger I can not pinpoint when the links are either being lost or removed. the loops and if statements seem to be flowing correctly.
As suggested above in comments by trincot and WhozCraig, your list is sorted but the problem comes from the fact you have not the new head. I answer to your question with an ugly workaround because it seems that you could not change the function prototype. But, I insist it is not a good solution.
The null pointer of last list element is used to get back the head of the list.
First, add theses lines to the end of sortlist
IORB *curr;
for(curr = head; curr->link; curr = curr->link);
But call this function : uglyWorkaround(&mylist,priComp);
uglyWorkaround(IORB** mylist,int (*prio)(int))
IORB *curr = *mylist;
while(!((*prio)(curr->base_pri) > (*prio)(curr->link->base_pri)))
curr = curr->link;
*** Edit : To answer to comment about clarification on function prototype ***
The WhozCraig solution
void sortList2(IORB** head,int (*prio)(int)){
int swapped = 1;
//pointers for the last current and next node
IORB **prev=head, *curr, *next;
swapped = 0;
for(curr = *head; curr; prev = &curr->link, curr = curr->link)
next = curr->link;
if(next && (*prio)(curr->base_pri) > (*prio)(next->base_pri))
curr->link = next->link;
next->link = curr;
*prev = next;
swapped = 1;
And to call it : sortList2(&mylist,priComp);