Using App Insights how can I write a query that shows me the azure functions that have no been executed in the last 6o days
I came up with the following but it only shows me the ones that were executed more than 60 days ago, it does not tell me if they were excuted in the last 60 days, I am trying to find the ones who have not been executed in the last 60 days so I can flag them for removal
| project timestamp, operation_Name, success, resultCode, duration, cloud_RoleName
//| where timestamp > ago(30d)
| where cloud_RoleName startswith "slapi-prd"
| where success == "True"
| where timestamp < ago(60d)
| order by timestamp desc
| take 20
If you just want to know the latest execution time per function, please use the code below:
//please uncomment the following lines if you need them
//| where timestamp > ago(30d)
//| where cloud_RoleName startswith "slapi-prd"
//| where success == "True"
| summarize timestamp = max(timestamp) by name, cloud_RoleName
Here is the test result: