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How to convert vector<pair<string, T>> to vector<pair<string,string>>

I have a method that requires me to return a vector<pair<string, string>>. However, the input I have is of vector <pair<string, T>>. This is part of a bigger question to return the number of edges in a graph. The relevant code is down below where T is an integer type.

map<string, string> all_vertices;
map<string, map<string, T>> adj_list;

template<typename T>
size_t Graph<T>::num_edges() {
    int edge_num = 0;

    for(auto& node : adj_list) {
        for(auto& edge : node.second) {

    return edge_num / 2;

template<typename T>
void Graph<T>::add_edge(const string& u, const string& v, const T& weight) {
    if(!adjacent(u, v)) {
        if(adj_list[u].find(v) == adj_list[u].end()) {
            adj_list[u].insert({v, weight});
            adj_list[v].insert({u, weight});

template <typename T>
void Graph<T>::add_vertex(const string& u) {
            adj_list[u]= map<string, T>();

template <typename T>
bool Graph<T>::adjacent(const string& u, const string& v) {

     if(contains(u) && contains(v)){
        if (adj_list[u].find(v)!=adj_list[u].end()){
            return true;
    return false;

template<typename T>
vector<pair<string, string>> Graph<T>::get_edges() {
    vector<pair<string, T>> e;
    vector<pair<string, string>> e_string;
    for(auto x1 : adj_list) {
        for(auto x2 : x1.second) {

    return e;
/* the test cases for the nodes in the graphs:

Number of vertices: 5

Number of edges: 8

Is vertex A in the graph? 1

Is vertex F in the graph? 0

Is there an edge between A and B? 1

Is there an edge between B and C? 0


Description for the different functions:

  • vector<pair<string,string>> get_edges(); returns a vector of all the edges in the graph -- each edge is represented by a pair of vertices incident to the edge.

  • void add_edge(const string&, const string&, const T&); adds a weighted edge to the graph -- the two strings represent the incident vertices; the third parameter represents the edge's weight.


  • I suggest that you skip the intermediate step of creating e and go directly to e_string. Also, make get_edges() const since you're not changing *this.

    Use std::to_string to convert the integer T to a std::string.

    The real problem is however that your code tries to add only one vertex + the weight for each edge.

    In your description of the problem it says that it should be a pair of vertices. It doesn't say that the weight should be included.

    So, here's how that can be done:

    template <typename T>
    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> Graph<T>::get_edges() const {
        std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> e_string;
        for (auto&[u, Map] : adj_list) {
             // only add one direction, get all v's where u < v:
            for(auto vw_it = Map.upper_bound(u); vw_it != Map.end(); ++vw_it) {
                e_string.emplace_back(u, vw_it->first);
        return e_string;


    Unrelated suggestions:

    You could simplify the num_edges() method (which should also be const). You now loop over all the elements in the inner map to count them, but the map has a size() member function, so that is not necessary:

    #include <numeric>  // std::accumulate
    template<typename T>
    size_t Graph<T>::num_edges() const {
            std::accumulate(adj_list.begin(), adj_list.end(), size_t{0},
                [](size_t sum, const auto& node) {
                    return sum + node.second.size();
                }) / 2;

    In add_edge you could skip checking if the connection is already there and just try to add it. It'll be rejected if it's a duplicate:

    template<typename T>
    void Graph<T>::add_edge(const std::string& u, const std::string& v,
                            const T& weight)
        if(u == v) return; // don't allow linking a vertex with itself
        adj_list[u].emplace(v, weight);
        adj_list[v].emplace(u, weight);

    You may still want to have the adjacent function. In that case I'd simplify it to something like this:

    template <typename T>
    bool Graph<T>::adjacent(const string& u, const string& v) const {
        auto it = adj_list.find(u);
        return it != adj_list.end() && it->second.find(v) != it->second.end();
        // return it != adj_list.end() && it->second.contains(v); // C++20