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Xpages Get List of Online User from Domino Admin

in XPages i would like to get online user who logged from http(web based). I can see it from Domino Admin Panel but What i want to do is to get all logged users. is it possible? See my screen below. There are no unread documents left but I could not find any clue. If it's possible I just would like to know where to start digging or is there any other way to make it done.

enter image description here


  • You can use Java to send the show inetusers command and then parse the result.

    Here's a working example that you can use to send console commands and show the result:

    <xp:table styleClass="sherlockFormTable" id="console">
                <xp:label value="Server console commands" />
            <xp:td colspan="2">
                <xp:inputText id="consoleCommand" value="#{viewScope.consoleCommand}" style="font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace;font-size: 11px;" />
                <xp:button value="Send command to server" id="button1">
                    <xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="partial" refreshId="console" execMode="partial" execId="console">
                            viewScope.consoleResult = sessionAsSigner.sendConsoleCommand("", viewScope.consoleCommand);
                            viewScope.consoleResult = viewScope.consoleResult.replace("\n", "<br />");      
            <xp:td colspan="4">
                <xp:text id="consoleResult" value="#{viewScope.consoleResult}" style="font-family: 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace;font-size: 11px;" escape="false" />