Having two folders (from the project repo): C:\code\Python-Scripts\src C:\code\Python-Library\src
How can they be combined in order that import packages to work like it suppose to?
NOTE: Both directories contain the same sub-dirs but there are some utility libraries in the Python-Library. It looks to me that they are so organized in order to group the functionality. After the project build they are actually combined.
NOTE 2: I tried to create some dir symlink called src inside Python-Scripts to target C:\code\Python-Library\src but mklink fails because there is already a src dir.
cd /d C:\code\Python-Scripts\src
mklink /D src C:\code\Python-Library\src
Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
Can anyone have other ideas rather than simply copy C:\code\Python-Library\src to C:\code\Python-Scripts\src ?
It would also help to write the scripts in PyDev in order that the import packages to correctly resolved.
Well.. it passed 22 hours and no answer showed up. The answer seems to be you cannot combine or join or put together directories. However, one can set the PYTHONPATH to dir1;dir2 and PyDev finds them. Have a good day!