Search code examples

Creating a Search Form using a Combo Box in ms-Access

Goal: I want to create a custom form to filter data from a table. I have a combo box which is used to select filter criteria and then generate a subform with the desired filtered data.

Here is my code for populating the subform with the filter criteria only if a specific field matches my selected combo box value.

Private Sub comboBox_selection_AfterUpdate()
Dim Filter_Function As String
Filter_Function = "SELECT * FROM mainTable WHERE ([Specific_Field] = " & Me.comboBox_selection & ")"
Me.Some_subform.Form.RecordSource = Filter_Function
End Sub

Results: When I select criteria from the combo box, I receive the message

"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '([Specific_field] = comboBox_selection)'"

When I try to debug the code, it highlights the line

Me.Some_subform.Form.RecordSource = Filter_Function

with a yellow arrow pointing to it.

Additional Info:

  1. The table that is used to generate the combo box values comes from a different table "Another_Table", not the mainTable
  2. The mainTable field that I am using as the field to check the matching combo box selection is also a combo box pulling options from the same "Another_Table"

I am very new to VBA and coding in general, so I can tell that the error is probably something basic that I just have not learned yet. I triple checked all my spelling and punctuation, so I am quite confident that is not the issue (unless there is some weird rules saying I cannot capitalize my table/form names).

I tried to find the answer on my own for the last couple of days, but failed.

If someone could point me in the right direction, It would be much appreciated.


  • As @June7 suggested you can try FilterOn property. I would also suggest you to use after_update event.

    Dim Filter_Function As String
    Filter_Function = "[Specific_Field] ='" & Me.cboSearch & "'"
    Forms![MyFormName]![Some_subform].Form.FilterOn = False
    Forms![MyFormName]![Some_subform].Form.Filter = Filter_Function
    Forms![MyFormName]![Some_subform].Form.FilterOn = True