I wanted to know if it is possible to place the comment directly in the column of the materialized view definition
(ex: comment '(1)xxxxxxx'--error) or if it should always be done apart from the following way
(ex:(2) comment on column test33.o_rowid is 'is my view column comment')
I saw that in the case of tables if it is possible to put the comment directly.
create MATERIALIZED view prueba34
o.rowid o_rowid comment '(1)xxxxxxx', -- Error ,
c.rowid c_rowid,
e.rowid e_rowid,
f.rowid f_rowid,
nvl(o.estado ||'-'||c.vdescricion,'') as ddesc,
o.segmento ||'-'|| e.vdescricion as Clase,
f.vdescricion as v2descripcion
from detalle_ordenes o, tabla_hija c, tabla_hija e,tabla_hija f
( o.estado=c.vvalor(+) and c.tipo_filtro=1 )
( o.segmento=e.vvalor(+) and e.tipo_filtro=2)
( o.column1=f.vvalor(+) and f.tipo_filtro=3)
(2)comment on column prueba33.o_rowid is 'is my view column comment';
Unfortunately not, and I'm not sure what you mean by "I saw that in the case of tables if it is possible to put the comment directly" ?
To my knowledge, comments are always a separate command, namely:
comment on table XXX is '....';
comment on column XXX.YYY is '....';