In my aspx code I have this (DevExpress Image Control):
<dx:ASPxBinaryImage Value='<%# GetPhoto(Eval("Photo")) %>' ID="BinaryImagePreview" runat="server" ClientIDMode="AutoID" Width="100px" />
Then in my code behind I have this:
protected static byte[] GetPhoto(byte[] photo)
return photo;
My table column Photo is of type Varbinary(Max) I was reading that SqlDbType.Varbinary is mapped to byte[] so there shouldn't be any problems here, but compiler always throws an error:
The best overloaded method match for 'StoreProfile.Admin.GetPhoto(byte[])' has some invalid arguments
The reason I want to do is is to check if Photo exists (is it null), then I would show some default photo from disk, something like no_photo.jpg.
Uh, Ok. I was missing casting. Calling my method this way solved my problem: