This is PL/SQL in a 12c database.
I need to be able to pass a cursor record to a function. The problem is that the cursor is from three different tables and one of them must use a * to select all of the (hundreds) of fields in that table.
It works if I select distinct fields (from a smaller test table) and it works if I use a select * from one table and no other fields (no other tables involved), but I can't find any way to make this work when selecting from three tables (examples only show two) and using a * (to select all fields) from one of the tables.
I've tried FETCH INTO and SELECT INTO with a pre-defined cursor. I've tried using a cursor record with a FOR myRecord IN (SELECT a.*, ...) and creating a matching object (since records can't be created at the schema level)
These work
SELECT a.myAfield, b.myBfield INTO myVarA, myVarB
FROM a, b;
But I need this to work:
SELECT a.*, b.myBfield INTO myVarA, myVarB
FROM a, b;
Using a cursor record
myRecord myObjectTypeWithAllFields; -- ojbect, not record as record can't be declared at schema level
FOR myRecord IN (SELECT a.*, b.myBfield FROM a, b);
newVar := myFunction(myRecord); -- this won't work
fails on the function call with PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to myFunction;
The function will do a lot of grunt work that is similar in many packages, but there is also a large amount of unique work in each package, so I can't just process the entire cursor loop in the function. I really need to pass one row at a time to the function.
Is there a way to do this?
You can define a cursor in a package - whether or not you will actually use it - with the same select list:
create package p as
cursor c is select a.*, b.myBField
from a, b; -- but use proper join syntax
Then define your function argument using that cursor's %rowtype
create function myFunction(p_record p.c%rowtype) return ... as ...
Then your block will work:
FOR myRecord IN (SELECT a.*, b.myBfield FROM a, b) LOOP
newVar := myFunction(myRecord);
The cursor for loop could then use the cursor defined in the package if you wanted it to.
Incidentally, in your object version, the variable declaration:
myRecord myObjectTypeWithAllFields;
is redundant; the myRecord
in FOR myRecord...
is completely independent. So it doesn't even attempt to use the object type.