I have a form where the user enters a company's website (URL) into a text box. A command button is next to the text box so that the URL entered can be opened in a browser. It works perfectly when there is a URL in the text box. However, when the text box is blank, the MsgBox to "try again" appears (as it should), but instead of stopping the subroutine after the user clicks OK, it opens the most recently opened URL. How do I get the subroutine to simply stop when the MsgBox OK button is clicked? I am guessing the URL is being stored somewhere. Where? And how can I clear it?
Private Sub cmd_websitelink_Click()
'** Opens browser for Website Link
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim sitestring As String
sitestring = Me.Website & vbNullString
If Len(sitestring) = 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim ctl As CommandButton
Set ctl = Me!cmd_websitelink
With ctl
.HyperlinkAddress = sitestring
End With
Exit Sub
GoTo Finish
MsgBox "Enter a valid URL in the website box and try again."
End Sub
You set the .HyperlinkAddress
property of the button in your procedure.
This property stays set until you close the form or your overwrite the property.
So you need to add this to the error case:
Me!cmd_websitelink.HyperlinkAddress = ""
Instead of all this, you could simply open the hyperlink in the Click event, see here:
How to open a URL from MS Access with parameters