Good afternoon, I have a generic baseAsyncTask that works perfectly, java can define the type in doInBackground, but in onPostExecute I call my function doAsync, it is assembling as Object, as I could in creating Override to define the type so I don't Cast
Class DaoProcessorAsync
public abstract class DaoAsyncProcessor<T> {
public interface DaoProcessCallback<T>{
void onResult(T result);
private final DaoProcessCallback daoProcessCallback;
public DaoAsyncProcessor(DaoProcessCallback daoProcessCallback) {
this.daoProcessCallback = daoProcessCallback;
protected abstract T doAsync();
public void start(){
new DaoProcessAsyncTask().execute();
private class DaoProcessAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, T> {
protected T doInBackground(Void... params) {
return doAsync();
protected void onPostExecute(T t) {
if(daoProcessCallback != null)
Call class
new DaoAsyncProcessor<Trabalhador>(new DaoAsyncProcessor.DaoProcessCallback() {
// How to make it explicit that the return is of the Worker type
public void onResult(Object result) {
**at that point it returns object to me, and I need to do conversion**
Trabalhador trabalhador = (Trabalhador) result;
protected Trabalhador doAsync() {
**This worker-type return should be explicit in OnRESULT, but I can't define it**
return trabalhadorDao.lerPorCPF(123);
I think you're missing the type when creating the DaoProcessCallback.
new DaoAsyncProcessor<Tabalhador>.DaoProcessCallback()