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In a in WinRT app, how do I connect using TLS1.2?

I've got a Windows Store app that's a WinRT Phone/Desktop app (i.e. not a UWP app), targeting Windows 8.1 and up.

It's been on the store for several years now, but recently it stopped being able to connect with various web APIs and websites (YouTube, as well as my own site) using HTTPS.

I have a WPF version of this app as well, and this happened on that app recently as well, and to fix it I used System.Net.ServicePointManager. Unfortunately, in my WinRT environment, System.Net doesn't include ServicePointManager. In my WPF app, I did this, and it worked just fine:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate
    Debug.WriteLine("returning true (the ssl is valid)");
    return true;

// our server is using TLS 1.2
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

In doing some research around the internet, it seems that .NET 4.6 should include ServicePointManager, but I don't see any way to change (or even see) my version of .NET in the WinRT development environment.

I looked some more and found that a StreamSocket could be used to connect with TLS1.2... but that seems primarily designed to enable bluetooth communications, or communications to a web endpoint, but only by hostname... which is insufficient for me. I need to connect to an actual website, not just the base-level domain.

Trying this, I did the following:

StreamSocket socket = new StreamSocket();
string serverServiceName = "https";
socket.Control.KeepAlive = false;
url = "";
HostName serverHost = new HostName(url);
await socket.ConnectAsync(serverHost, serverServiceName, SocketProtectionLevel.Tls12);
text = await ReadDataFromSocket(socket);

I can include the code for ReadDataFromSocket() if necessary, but it seems to work, reading the data from the socket as expected when I point it at However, I can't seem to figure out how to point the socket at anything useful. The homepage of isn't what I want; I'm looking to consume a web API hosted on that server, but can't seem to find a way to do that.

Since the first parameter to the ConnectAsync() method is just HostName, the second parameter (remoteServiceName) must be the way to connect to the actual API or webpage I'm trying to connect to. According to the docs, that is The service name or TCP port number of the remote network destination... I haven't seen any example values for this parameter other than https and various numeric values, neither of which is going to get me to the API endpoint or webpage I'm trying to connect to.

So, with that super-long preamble out of the way, my question boils down to this:

Is there a way for me to use System.Net.ServicePointManager in my WinRT app like I do in my WPF app? If so, how?

If not, how can I use StreamSocket to connect to the exact web service or webpage I want to connect to, rather than just the top-level host?

If that's not possible, by what other means can I consume web content using TLS1.2?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.


  • Use Windows.Web.Http API instead of System.Net.Http API.

    System.Net.Http does not support TLS1.2 but Windows.Web.Http does in WinRT apps.