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convert python string of byte data to bytes

I have a Python string of bytes data. An example string looks like this:

string = "b'\xabVJ-K\xcd+Q\xb2R*.M*N.\xcaLJU\xd2QJ\xceH\xcc\xcbK\xcd\x01\x89\x16\xe4\x97\xe8\x97d&g\xa7\x16Y\x85\x06\xbb8\xeb\x02\t\xa5Z\x00'"

It is a string, it not not bytes. I wish to convert it to bytes. Normal approaches (like encode) yield this:


which leads to issues (note the addition of all the extra slashes).

I've looked through 10+ potential answers to this question on SO and only one of them works, and its a solution I'd prefer not to use, for obvious reasons:

this_works = eval(string)

Is there any way to get this to work without eval? Other potential solutions I've tried, that failed:

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3


  • I assume that you have python-like string representation in variable s:

    s = r"b'\xabVJ-K\xcd+Q\xb2R*.M*N.\xcaLJU\xd2QJ\xceH\xcc\xcbK\xcd\x01\x89\x16\xe4\x97\xe8\x97d&g\xa7\x16Y\x85\x06\xbb8\xeb\x02\t\xa5Z\x00'"

    Yes, if you eval this then you got real python bytes object. But you can try parse it with ast module:

    import ast
    s = r"b'\xabVJ-K\xcd+Q\xb2R*.M*N.\xcaLJU\xd2QJ\xceH\xcc\xcbK\xcd\x01\x89\x16\xe4\x97\xe8\x97d&g\xa7\x16Y\x85\x06\xbb8\xeb\x02\t\xa5Z\x00'"
    tree = ast.parse(s)
    value = tree.body[0].value.value
    print(type(value), value)

    This will output your bytes object:

    <class 'bytes'> b'\xabVJ-K\xcd+Q\xb2R*.M*N.\xcaLJU\xd2QJ\xceH\xcc\xcbK\xcd\x01\x89\x16\xe4\x97\xe8\x97d&g\xa7\x16Y\x85\x06\xbb8\xeb\x02\t\xa5Z\x00'