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LWC, set record to database soql from JavaScript with wire and Apex, error

I try to write something to the database soql in JS, but it not works. When I click to the button 'Add to Cart' then is called handlePlaceOrder(). Here is called Apex method placeOrder('hello') with parameter String. And then it crashed "an internal server error". When I executed only Apex method placeOrder('Order01') in Developer Console, it works, writes nameOfOrder to the database.

Here are codes:

html (OK):

  <div class="shopping-cart">
    <template if:true={messageFromMain}>
      <div class="container">
        <lightning-card title="Shopping cart">
            label="Place order" 
            title="Place order"
    <template if:false={messageFromMain}>
      <h1>Select the shoes</h1>

JS (bug):

import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import placeOrder from '@salesforce/apex/ProductMaster.placeOrder';

export default class ShoppingCart extends LightningElement {

  @api messageFromMain;

  @wire(placeOrder, { nameOfOrder: '$nameOfOrder'})

  // handle click to button Place order
  handlePlaceOrder() {
    console.log('It was pressed button \'Add to Cart\'.');


Apex (OK):

public static void placeOrder(String nameOfOrder) {
  Shop_Order__c newOrder = new Shop_Order__c(
    Text__c = nameOfOrder
  insert newOrder;


Error: An internal server error has occurred
Error ID: 185265246-97831 (-1502885840)
    at (

What is not correct on this JavaScript code? Here is an example with similar problem.


  • @wire(placeOrder, { nameOfOrder: '$nameOfOrder'})

    You might have to delete that line. Your handlePlaceOrder() is treated as continuation of that line (ignore newlines), as a handler what to do (callback) when the asynchonous processing finishes. In the answeryou linked compare what you wrote with "fetchedContact"

    And in handlePlaceOrder I think you need to pass params as JSON object where names match the names of apex parameters. Try


    public static Id insertAccount(String n){
        Account a = new Account(Name = n);
        insert a;
        return a.Id;

    Component's relevant html

    <lightning-button label="test" onclick={handlePlaceOrder}>

    Component's relevant JS

    import insertAccount from '@salesforce/apex/SomeClass.insertAccount';
    export default class SomeComp extends LightningElement {
    handlePlaceOrder() {
            console.log('It was pressed button \'Add to Cart\'.');
            insertAccount({ n: 'hello' })
                .then(result => {
                .catch(error => {

    Browser's console enter image description here

    And it saved the name OK

    enter image description here