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YUV 422 to PNG/JPG/

After searching the internet for several days, i am searching for a method or program to transform pictures taken in the YUV 422 format to something useable. PNG/BMP or JPG would be fine.

does anybody has knowledge for such a tool/library/method? preferably a python library that can do the conversion of these files?

i came across ImageMagick, but it runs in my powershell, it doens't output an error, but no conversion is done.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!


  • Found it using "ffmpeg" using this command :

        ffmpeg -s 1750x520 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i 85_TEST.YUV -f image2 -pix_fmt rgb24 test_2.png

    Works like a charm!