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SQL or operator how to use with having

i have a table which i am joining with with operator. I can have 2 combinations id that table FDEL - 1 or 0 and FDVE 1 or 0, what i would like to do is to dispay if - item has fdve, or item has fdel (and count) but it doesnt work (i can see all fdve, or all fdel) enter image description here

    lpad(purchase_id,10,0) as purchase_id,
   sum(has_label_fdel) as FDEL_count,
    case when  LABELS   like '%FDVE%' then 1 else 0 end as HAS_LABEL_FDVE,
    sum(has_label_fdve) as FDVE_count
    group by
having  FDVE_count>0 -- FDEL_count>0  


  • You want one resut row per product, so group by product only. Use SUMfor counting and MAX for the aggregated yes/no.

      lpad(purchase_id,10,0) as padded_purchase_id,
      max(has_label_fdve) as has_labels_fdve,
      sum(has_label_fdve) as fdve_count,
      max(has_label_fdel) as has_labels_fdel,
      sum(has_label_fdel) as fdel_count
    from src_oracleiwp.purchase_analysis_rules
    group by padded_purchase_id
    having has_labels_fdve = 1
        or has_labels_fdel = 1
    order by padded_purchase_id;

    I've changed your alias names slightly, so they are digfferent from the columns you have (because such ambiguities can sometimes lead to problems).

    The check on labels like '%FDVE%' is unnecessary, because you already have the has_label_fdve flag, which is always 0 or 1. Or so it seems. If the flags can be null, use COALESCE on them or do use LIKE expressions.

    If you don't have has_label_fdve and has_label_fdel yet, use the labels column instead:

      lpad(purchase_id,10,0) as padded_purchase_id,
      max(case when labels like '%FDVE%' then 1 else 0 end) as has_labels_fdve,
      sum(case when labels like '%FDVE%' then 1 else 0 end) as fdve_count,
      max(case when labels like '%FDEL%' then 1 else 0 end) as has_labels_fdel,
      sum(case when labels like '%FDEL%' then 1 else 0 end) as fdel_count
    from src_oracleiwp.purchase_analysis_rules
    group by padded_purchase_id
    having has_labels_fdve = 1
        or has_labels_fdel = 1
    order by padded_purchase_id;