Search code examples

How to write a SQL query for the following result?

This is my current table data:

Godown_Column Product_Column Quantity
Godown 1 Product 1 10
Godown 1 Product 2 20
Godown 2 Product 3 30
Godown 3 Product 3 40

Here, Godowns_Columns has unlimited number of rows with different godowns.

How do I write a SQL query to get this result:

Product_Col Godown 1 Godown 2 Godown 3
Product 1 10
Product 2 20
Product 3 30 40


  • You can use dynamic pivot since number of godowns is unknown.


     create table mytable(Godown_Column varchar(50),    Product_Column  varchar(50), Quantity int)
     insert into mytable values('Godown 1', 'Product 1' ,10);
     insert into mytable values('Godown 1', 'Product 2' ,20);
     insert into mytable values('Godown 2', 'Product 3' ,30);
     insert into mytable values('Godown 3', 'Product 3' ,40);


     DECLARE @cols  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)='';
     DECLARE @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)='';
     SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + quotename(Godown_Column)
                 FROM mytable
                 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                 ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 
     set @query = 'SELECT Product_Column,' + @cols  + '
     select * from mytable
                  ) x
                     for Godown_Column in (' + @cols + ')
                 ) p'


    Product_Column Godown 1 Godown 2 Godown 3
    Product 1 10 null null
    Product 2 20 null null
    Product 3 null 30 40

    db<fiddle here