I would like to enable client my to reconnect to my server in case the server restarts. I am trying thus the following piece of code. The thing is, after adding this line "rsocket-tcp-client": "^0.0.23"
to my package.json
and after running $npm install && ng update && ng serve
I got the following error message :
Error: ./node_modules/rsocket-tcp-client/build/RSocketTcpClient.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'net' in '/Users/gitter/myproject/node_modules/rsocket-tcp-client/build'
Error: ./node_modules/rsocket-tcp-client/build/RSocketTcpClient.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tls' in '/Users/gitter/myproject/node_modules/rsocket-tcp-client/build'
Any help please will be more than welcome.
You need to install tls and net packages as well if you are going to use that sample code.