I have a UITableView and each cell contains a Map button. When I tap each button, Map view is shown and corresponding Annotation pin is added.
This code is called when I tap each map button,
double tempLatitude = [[[myDict objectForKey:key] objectAtIndex:15] doubleValue];
double tempLongitude = [[[myDict objectForKey:key] objectAtIndex:16] doubleValue];
// key is the cell index.
//--** Setting the Latitude and Longitude
CLLocationCoordinate2D myCoordinate;
myCoordinate.latitude = tempLatitude;
myCoordinate.longitude = tempLongitude;
MyMapAnnotation *MyAnnotation = [[[MyMapAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinate:myCoordinate addressDictionary:nil]autorelease];
MyAnnotation.title = [[myDict objectForKey:key] objectAtIndex:1];
MyAnnotation.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f %f", MyAnnotation.coordinate.latitude, MyAnnotation.coordinate.longitude];
And this is the code of MyMapAnnotation,
@synthesize coordinate = theCoordinate;
@synthesize title = theTitleAnnotation;
@synthesize subtitle = theSubTitleAnnotation;
- (id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate addressDictionary:(NSDictionary *)addressDictionary
if ((self = [super initWithCoordinate:coordinate addressDictionary:addressDictionary]))
self.coordinate = coordinate;
return self;
Everything works fine. Now, when I tap one button, corresponding annotation pin is shown and when I tap second button, the previous pin is still there and second annotation pin is also being added.
What I want is,
When I tap each button, the previous annotation pin should be removed and only the current annotation pin should be added.
How can I identify the previous pin?
And where can I give this code [mapView removeAnnotation:annotationToRemove]
EDIT: Obviously, the 'previous annotation pin' is the 'annotationToRemove'. I know this. My question is, How can I identify this previous annotation pin to specify as 'annotationToRemove'??
Thanks :-)
have you try with [myMap removeAnntoation:[myMap.annotations objectAtIndex:0]];
There are several ways to do this, one is to set a tag
to the annotation, then search it by tag; another way is to check all annotations and then remove that which you want, if your problem is to remove the previous annotation added, you can call:
[myMap removeAnntoation:[myMap.annotations lastObject]];
P.S: if you have myMap.showsUserLocation=YES;
look this: How to remove all annotations from MKMapView without removing the blue dot?.