Is it possible in Isabelle to define a terminating recursive function f
has a single parameter of type t
such that values of type t
may contain maps to values of type t
, andf
performs its recursive calls on all elements in the range of such a map?For example consider the datatype trie
defined in theory Trie_Fun:
datatype 'a trie = Nd bool "'a ⇒ 'a trie option"
and my attempt at a simple function height
intended to compute the height of tries (with finitely many outgoing edges):
theory Scratch
imports "HOL-Data_Structures.Trie_Fun"
function height :: "'a trie ⇒ nat" where
"height (Nd _ edges) = (if dom edges = Set.empty ∨ ¬ finite (dom edges)
then 0
else 1 + Max (height ` ran edges))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination (* ??? *)
Here lexicographic_order
does not suffice to prove the function to be terminating, but so far I have also not been able to formulate any measure on trie
(for termination) that does not itself require a similar recursion.
I must admit here that I am not sure whether I have understood datatypes in Isabelle/HOL correctly (i.e., whether a trie
of the above definition is actually always of finite height).
Is it possible to show that height
Based to the comment by Peter Zeller, I was able to prove termination of height
by adding (domintros)
to the definition and then performing induction on the trie
, using the fact height.domintros
, resulting in the following termination proof:
function (domintros) height :: "'a trie ⇒ nat" where
"height (Nd _ edges) = (if dom edges = Set.empty ∨ ¬ finite (dom edges)
then 0
else 1 + Max (height ` ran edges))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination apply auto
proof -
fix x :: "'a trie"
show "height_dom x"
proof (induction)
case (Nd b edges)
have "(⋀x. x ∈ ran edges ⟹ height_dom x)"
proof -
fix x assume "x ∈ ran edges"
then have "∃a. edges a = Some x"
unfolding ran_def by blast
then have "∃a. Some x = edges a"
by (metis (no_types))
then have "Some x ∈ range edges"
by blast
then show "height_dom x"
using Nd by auto
then show ?case
using height.domintros by blast