I have many forms in the app and to reuse the same form, but with different 'id' I have created a component, with this saga:
export default function FormSaga(SEND_REQUEST) {
return function* () {
yield takeLatest(SEND_REQUEST, submit);
But if I need to abort the form submission, Saga's manual is offering me this solution:
function* main() {
while ( yield take('START_BACKGROUND_SYNC') ) {
// starts the task in the background
const bgSyncTask = yield fork(bgSync)
// wait for the user stop action
// user clicked stop. cancel the background task
// this will cause the forked bgSync task to jump into its finally block
yield cancel(bgSyncTask)
I tried this:
export default function FormSaga(SEND_REQUEST, ABORT_REQUEST) {
return function* () {
while (yield take(SEND_REQUEST)) {
const submitTask = yield fork(submit);
yield take(ABORT_REQUEST);
yield cancel(submitTask);
But it is not working.
If somebody could help me rewrite my takeLatest so the task cancellation would work? Thank you!
Guess found the solution, looks like it is working.
const task = yield takeLatest(SEND_REQUEST, submit);
yield take(ABORT_REQUEST);
yield cancel(task);