While looking for various information on Stackoverflow, I read that Veins 5.x
and above support Unicast communication
I understood that unicast communication is possible through populateWSM()
. However, I don't understand which LAddress::L2Type rcvId
should be in the ID
value of the second parameter.
Should I pass the ID
value obtained through
getParentModule() -> getIndex()
Or is it necessary to pass the ID
value of the left node list when running the simulation? If it's the latter, how can I get the ID
The demo implementation of Veins 5.1 uses the OMNeT++ module ID. For more robustness, I would recommend querying the MAC layer. See, for example, https://github.com/sommer/veins/blob/veins-5.1/src/veins/modules/application/ieee80211p/DemoBaseApplLayer.cc#L83