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Is mutlibit rate option available in Azure media service Video indexer?

I am using azure media service Video indexer widget in my application. Is there any option to obtain multi bit rates of video when we upload videos in Video indexer (just like we have in azure media service streaming policy "Predefined_DownloadandClearStreaming").

I have also checked the output asset which is created after video indexing , dose not provide same video download links as it do while using encoding job on input asset.

Thanks in advance


  • @s-tabassum If the single bitrate is chosen, then we either encode to H264 Single Bitrate 4x3 SD if the video’s height is less than 720, and use H264 Single Bitrate 720p otherwise (>= 720p). If the adaptive bitrate is chosen, then we use Content-Aware Encoding, which includes layers with a lower resolution.