I want to know if it is valid to define a css variable that starts with a number like this,
:root { --1space: 32px; }
this works just fine with Chrome, however that code is not being validated by https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ also VSCode draws a red line under the variable name.
if css variable names are idents then it should be ok to start with a number by this diagram;
Yes it's valid. If we follow the definition in the speficiation:
A custom property is any property whose name starts with two dashes (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS), like
. The<custom-property-name>
production corresponds to this: it’s defined as any valid identifier that starts with two dashes
A portion of the CSS source that has the same syntax as an
. Also appears in<at-keyword-token>
with the "id" type flag, and the unit of<dimension-token>
:root {
body {