I have a CSV file with 288 records in the following format (extract of first 3 records only)
This file is saved as continuous string if I open it in Notepad. If I open it in excel then each of the values are in a column. The last column of the first record is shared with the first column of the seconded record and so on, as per below
I am trying to spit the string so there are 288 records using
with open('dailyData.csv','r') as file:
array = file.readlines()
array = [row.split(';') for row in array]
The ";" is converted to ", " but it does not split the string
[['20210402,23:55,37684,4.758,0,0,0.000,16238,510,NaN,242.0,-500.000,0.000,500.000,-500.000,10.000,NaN', '20210402,23:50,37684...
any ideas?
I have tried to use Pandas
array = pandas.read_csv('dailyData.csv', delimiter=';', header=None)
This returns
Int64Index([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286], dtype='int64', length=287)
which means I can address any record but not elements within the record.
Just looking to be able to address as array[r][c] where r is 0 to 287 and c is 0 to 16.
Hi Kamil, I have tried
with open('dailyData.csv') as file:
for x in file:
columns = x.split(';')
for y in columns:
lines = y.split(',')
This prints the lines but dos not create the array that I can address.
How about this:
with open("data.csv") as f:
array = [l.split(",") for l in f.readline().split(";") if l]
Output: where 3
is the number of lists within the array and each list has 16
The above allows for:
Just looking to be able to address as array[r][c] where r is 0 to 287 and c is 0 to 16.
I've assumed that your data is one long continuous string, as shown in your question.
If you feel like it, this can be easily dumped to a pandas DataFrame
and then to a proper .csv
import pandas as pd
with open("data.csv") as f:
array = [l.split(",") for l in f.readline().split(";") if l]
pd.DataFrame(array).to_csv("your_array.csv", header=False, index=False)