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How to efficiently find separately for each element N maximum values among multiple matrices?

I am looping through a large number of H x W matrices. I cannot store them all in memory. I need to get N matrices. For example, the element of the 1st of N matrix in position (i, j) will be the largest among all elements in position (i, j) of all processed matrix matrices. For the second of the N matrix, the elements that are the second-largest will be taken, and so on.


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Let N = 2. Then the 1st matrix will look like this.

enter image description here

And the second matrix is like this.

enter image description here

How to do such an operation inside a loop so as not to store all matrices in memory?


  • The comments suggested using the np.partition function. I replaced the use of numpy with cupy, which uses the GPU. And also added a buffer to sort less frequently.

    import cupy as np
    buf = // # As much as fits into the GPU
    largests = np.zeros((buf + N, h, w))
    for i in range(num):
        val = //
        largests[i % buf] = val
        if i % buf == buf - 1:
            largests.partition(range(buf, buf + N), axis=0)
    largests.partition(range(buf, buf + N), axis=0)  # Let's not forget the tail
    res = largests[:-(N + 1):-1]

    The solution does not work very quickly, but I have come to terms with this speed.