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curl request says to address needs to be an array when it already is?

I'm trying to send an email out using Mandrill by adapting the curl command from and using the API key from and I'm getting an error that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Here's the command I'm running:

curl -X POST \ \
  -d '{"key":"...","message":{"html":"hello, world!","subject":"hello, world!","from_email":"","to":[""]}}'

Here's the response:

{"status":"error","code":-2,"name":"ValidationError","message":"Validation error: {\"message\":{\"to\":[\"Please enter an array\"]}}"}

Here it is decoded:

  "status": "error",
  "code": -2,
  "name": "ValidationError",
  "message": "Validation error: {\"message\":{\"to\":[\"Please enter an array\"]}}"

I don't understand. "to" is an array...

Any ideas?



  • I also got the same error at first then going through the documentation keenly, I noticed that the to field in message is NOT a list of email addresses. I know it's intuitive that way!!

    It's a list of object's with 3 fields: email, name and type.

    An ideal JSON Body will be as follows:

        "key": "<YOUR_MANDRILL_API_KEY>", # Caution! It is not a mailchimp API key
        "message": {
            "html": "testing html part",
            "text": "testing text part",
            "subject": "testing subject",
            "from_email": "<FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS>",
            "from_name": "<FROM_NAME>",
            "to": [
                # Recipient 1 
                    "email": "<Recipient1_EMAIL_ADDRESS>",
                    "name": "<Recipient1_NAME>"
                # Recipient 2 
                    "email": "<Recipient2_EMAIL_ADDRESS>",
                    "name": "<Recipient2_NAME>"