so I have been using PeerJS to make a p2p chat application and it works when trying to chat, but when i try to call someone with the function below:
function callEm(id){
call =,
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true})
call.on('stream', function(stream) { // B
window.remoteAudio.srcObject = stream; // C
window.remoteAudio.autoplay = true; // D
window.peerStream = stream; //E
showConnectedContent(); //F });
I get an error from PeerJS saying that e.getTracks is not a function
is a code in the peerJS library:
I have been trying everything i find on the internet and I still get this error. I hope someone will be able to help me out.
Edit: I tried the cleaner version of the library( and i get the error
stream.getTracks() is not a function
So I found the solution, the thing is my code was wrong :P
so I created a function that calls a person with an Id. earlier it was:
function callEm(id){
console.log(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true}));
call =,
// window.localStream
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true})
call.on('stream', function(stream) { // B
window.remoteAudio.srcObject = stream; // C
window.remoteAudio.autoplay = true; // D
window.peerStream = stream; //E
showConnectedContent(); //F });
and the issue was that I provided a promise as a MediaStream instead of the actual value. dumb mistake I know
so after a friend in discord pointed that to me and helped me change it, the function became:
function callEm(id){
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true})
.then(function(stream) {
call =, stream);
call.on('stream', function(stream) { // B
window.remoteAudio.srcObject = stream; // C
window.remoteAudio.autoplay = true; // D
window.peerStream = stream; //E
showConnectedContent(); //F });
.catch(function(err) {
console.log("error: " + err);
and that fixed it. I didn't work out on answering the call yet, but this sent a call without any errors!
I hope someone finds this useful.