I'm trying to remove unneeded words between brackets that contains certain modifier ('DeleteMe') and don't delete contents between brackets that contains other words ('DontDeleteMe'). I though it was simple but proved difficult due to repeating brackets see below.
aljdsfjfldsa DeleteMe aldsjflajdf
aldskjfal DontDeleteMe asdlkjflasdj
aljdsfjfldsa DeleteMe aldsjflajdf
aldskjfal DontDeleteMe asdlkjflasdj
Desired output
aldskjfal DontDeleteMe asdlkjflasdj
aldskjfal DontDeleteMe asdlkjflasdj
I tried the following but the problem is the second line will be deleted with the third line.
You can use a word boundary in combination with a negated character class [^
If the word is DeleteMe
you can match it using word boundaries and repace with an empty string.