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How can I discriminate the selected item of a Spinner by its text when using multilanguage items in Android?

I am trying to discriminate the selected item of a Spinner by its (multilanguage) text.

Here is my default strings.xml content:

<string-array name="spinner_items">

And this is another strings.xml (Italian language) content:

<string-array name="spinner_items">

I set up my Spinner items in this way:

val items = resources.getStringArray(R.array.spinner_items)
spinner.adapter = ArrayAdapter(requireContext(), android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, items)

And then I add the item selected listener:

spinner.onItemSelectedListener = object : AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener {

    override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View, position: Int, id: Long) {
        when(spinner.getItemAtPosition(position).toString()) {
            "length" -> actionLength()
            "lunghezza" -> actionLength()
            "weight" -> actionWeight()
            "peso" -> actionWeight()
            "temperature" -> actionTemperature()
            "temperatura" -> actionTemperature()

    override fun onNothingSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>) {}

Everything works fine but the problem is that everytime I add a new language locale, I have to remember to add the specific string translation inside the when block. Is there a more "dynamic" way to do this?


  • I had the same problem in the past and here is how I solved it. Edit your strings.xml files by adding a string resource name for each items in your array, for example:

    Default strings.xml

    <string name="length">length</string>
    <string name="weight">weight</string>
    <string name="temperature">temperature</string>
    <string-array name="spinner_items">

    Italian strings.xml

    <string name="length">lunghezza</string>
    <string name="weight">peso</string>
    <string name="temperature">temperatura</string>
    <string-array name="spinner_items">

    So in your code, you'll have:

    when(spinner.getItemAtPosition(position).toString()) {
        getString(R.string.length) -> actionLength()
        getString(R.string.weight) -> actionWeight()
        getString(R.string.temperature) -> actionTemperature()

    I hope I was helpful!