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Angular nested Drag And Drop into another list

I have a scenario, where I need to drop a feature into the respective item. So, here I am using angular-material for drag and drop but it is dropping feature outside of the item, I want to insert the feature inside the item.

Here is the sample:[enter link description here]1

What is the configuration I need to do? Anyone can help me? Thanks!


  • To be able to drag and drop first add this directive cdkDropListGroup to parent element.

    After that change your array done to also include dropped items:

      done = [
          name: "Apple",
          items: [] <-- here will be stored the dropped item

    after that move the droplist to be child of each done item.

      <div cdkDropList [cdkDropListData]="item.items" class="example-list" (cdkDropListDropped)="drop($event)">
        <div class="example-box" *ngFor="let it of item.items" cdkDrag>{{it}}</div>

    Working Stackblitz. Don't forget to "open" the accordion to see the "droplist".