I have a scenario, where I need to drop a feature into the respective item. So, here I am using angular-material for drag and drop but it is dropping feature outside of the item, I want to insert the feature inside the item.
Here is the sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-6cshhz-vsskhg?file=src%2Fapp%2Fcdk-drag-drop-connected-sorting-example.html[enter link description here]1
What is the configuration I need to do? Anyone can help me? Thanks!
To be able to drag and drop first add this directive cdkDropListGroup
to parent element.
After that change your array done
to also include dropped items:
done = [
name: "Apple",
items: [] <-- here will be stored the dropped item
after that move the droplist to be child of each done
<div cdkDropList [cdkDropListData]="item.items" class="example-list" (cdkDropListDropped)="drop($event)">
<div class="example-box" *ngFor="let it of item.items" cdkDrag>{{it}}</div>
Working Stackblitz. Don't forget to "open" the accordion to see the "droplist".